I have come to appreciate the people with bumper stickers that say, "Yes, this is my truck. NO, I will not help you move." They are good, honest people.
Maybe I'm getting old and cranky, or maybe I just see things more clearly at my present age, but I can't help but be annoyed by the people who say, "Yes*" but mean "No." IF you say "Yes*" to something, then do that something with freaking joy and happiness. It does no one any good if you agree to help but act like an ass.
Here is a list of things that might make you say "Yes*" when you actually mean "No." This is a self-help tool of sorts. If you read it carefully, make up your mind now whether you'd say "Yes*" or "No" then you can spare the rest of the world from your bad attitude:
- Help Move
- Go to a Party
- Go to Dinner
- Hold a Baby
- Get Married
- Lend Money
- Loan a Car
- Try Seafood
- Donate Blood
- Go to the Gym
- Visit a Church
- Do Housework
- Match
- Assemble Furniture
- Call an Ex
- Donate Organs
- Give Legal/Tax/Business Advice
- Be the Designated Driver
- Watch Magic Mike
- Put "it" on your Credit Card (No really, we'll pay you back)
- Start Weight Watchers
- Go to a Strip Club
- Go to a Non-Strip Club
- Volunteer for a Good Cause
- Run/Walk a Marathon/Obstacle Course
- Be in a Wedding
- Host a Party for Avon/Tupperware/Scentsy (although I love my Scentsy)/Thirty-One/Mary Kay/Discovery Toys/Southern Living/Pleasure Party/Premier Jewelry/Etc.
- Sponsor a Child
- Go Shopping with your Wife
- Pet/Baby/House/Plant Sit
- Fix a Computer
- Fix Anything Around the House
- Help an Old Lady Cross the Street

* Yes, Sure, Yeah, I guess so, I got your back, Okay, Why not, Absolutely, For Sure, Aye Aye, You Betcha, You got it, 10-4, I'll be there, Yeeeeeeeeesssssshhhhhhhhhh, Heck Yes, Hell yes, You can count on me, I'm your girl/boy, Would I let my best friend down, Affirmative, *nodding head*, etc.