My kindergartener reminded me last night that I needed to vote today, and she and her big sister had plenty of advice on who I should vote for. When conversations like this happen, I kick myself for not having an always-on GoPro in my car or on my person, but I'll do my best to capture the spirit of the conversation:
Note: ALL CAPS is more enthusiasm than yelling.
A: Mom, You know you need to vote for governor tomorrow. I think you should vote for GEORGE WASHINGTON!
E: NO! He takes your money!
A: No he doesn't. He'll make a GREAT governor.
Me: Uncle Sam takes your money, not George Washington.
E: Why would our uncle take our money?! (We don't actually have an uncle named Sam in our family).
They argued about who will make the best governor in a heated "Nuh-uh!" "Uh-huh!" exchange...
Me: Actually, neither George Washington nor Uncle Sam are on the ballot, so I can't vote for either of them. (I had to explain what a ballot is. If you need my explanation, just ask for it in the comments.)
Me: Well, George Washington is dead, and...
A: WHAT?! George Washington DC is dead? I mean, George Washington FROM D.C. is DEAD???? What happened to him?
Me: He was born like 300 years ago. He died a long time ago. Dead people make terrible governors. And Uncle Sam isn't a real person. He was a character created for...
A: I know how to spell H.E.B.! H E B. hehehehe